

We build long-term relationships with our clients providing strategic guidance, innovative solutions, and time-tested execution.

Annual Campaigns

Helping organizations and ministries create a successful volunteer-driven annual campaign using proven strategies to fund their mission.

Capital Campaigns

Significant capital investments are necessary occasionally in most organizations. We will guide the development of the case for support, test the support with key donors, and then help execute a plan to secure the mix of funding needed for success.

Development Coaching

There are times when the CEO/executive, development officer, or other leadership staff need coaching related to philanthropy and donor development and retention. We will establish a one-on-one coaching plan to help leadership achieve their goals.

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Our Mission:

To help amazing nonprofit organizations and ministries grow their a donor base of “cheerful givers” to fund their mission. 

Call or email us to learn more and explore how we can help.

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